Autumn is fading and winter is beginning to creep in, leading to misty mornings.
Most birds have left the upland areas of Bowland at this time of year, with the exception of red grouse which are present all year round. This is the best time of the year to hear their 'go-back' calls when walking the fells as the males establish their winter territories.
Also look out for:
- Hedgehogs are starting to hibernate as the weather turns colder. Check your bonfire or piles of leaves before you burn them to protect these garden helpers who eat loads of slugs in the summer!
- Mighty oak trees which drop their acorns during November and where hungry jays and squirrels eat and disperse them.
- Short eared Owls over rough grasslands are more noticeable as they are forced to spend longer in the air searching for prey when mice and vole numbers fall.